Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Day in the Garden, Part 2

After I posted my Day in the Garden detail photograph a few days back, several people asked me what the rest of the garden looked like. So here is a view of a larger part of the garden. The whole garden is a beautiful and complex border garden around the property, which is located on the water. So here is a view which gives more of a sense of the whole garden. There is more than this - I did a quick edit and came up with nearly a hundred photographs, taken over 5 hours. It is quite a place! Click on this one, and see a much larger image.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a garden - if it was not for the water could easily be a Monet.

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes. The world of have and have-nots. Imagine being lucky enough to have a view like this to call your own. Most of us can only dream of such a thing and would never be given access. One more reason to appreciate your photos, Ken. You open the door to places we've never been, don't even know exist and would never be invited to. It's a fine thing you do for those of us who are far removed from priviledge.