Monday, December 8, 2008

L.A. Garden

This plant is growing by the back door in a garden behind Liz' house. I noticed it was there, but then was stunned to REALLY look at it. It is just beautiful. I forget that one difference between New York and Los Angeles, is that LA is tropical and NY is not. So here is a quiz for you all. In the upper right hand corner of the photograph, there is a splotch of red in the background seen between some of the leaves. I have photos with the red in, and the red out. First I thought it was a distraction, then I thought it added interest, and decided to leave it in. How do all of you feel?


ken schwarz said...

Interestingly, I probably would have moved the lens to eliminate the subtle but still obvious red color behind the flower. But there is a certain mystery to the red color, which adds interest. While touring the wine country in northern California recently, I was confronted with a similar situation while trying to photograph a small stone chapel in a vineyard. There was a large blue container near the foundation that I found offensive so I positioned myself to put some foliage between the lens and building.

Anonymous said...

I have a bright shiny nickel for the first person who can correctly identify the red splotch... =)

Ken, what type of plant is this?

Anonymous said...

I would have taken out the splotch.

Ken Spencer said...

I have no idea what kind of plant it is, but I will find out, and tell everyone on a later post...