Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!   ...and never forget Rule No. 1 - "Never leave the house without a camera!"  I went over to the gas station to fill the tank for tomorrow's trip, and was not wearing my little Canon on my belt, and it has been really cold here, so my SONY alpha 200 was not in its accustomed place in the trunk.   Duh!  So when I saw this scene, I had to drive home, grab a camera, and drive back here to make the shot.  It was almost too dark, because I wanted some detail in the background, but there was just enough light for this exposure.  Hope you all have a wonderful day!


Anonymous said...

Ken, a wonderful winter shot - really captures the Christmas spirt. On behalf of many of your fans, I want to thank you for bringing a little sunshine into our lives each day - kinda your gift to all of us. I know how hard it must be to try to be creative and original each day but hopefully it helps to know that your photos and stories bring us joy, laughter, reflection and inspiration. All i can say is thank you !!!

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

i'll second that. thank you and merry christmas!

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you both SO much for you nice comments! I work away at this every day and enjoy the challenge, and it is fun to share the photographs, but most of the time I get very little feedback about whether this matters to people. So to find out that it makes a difference makes it all worthwhile. Thank you!