Tuesday, June 29, 2010


We went to Brett and Karens's for dinner, for a family gathering. Jo Anne brought one of the desserts - this trifle. I am not sure if trifle's were on my radar or not - I am sure she has made them before, but man, this one was awesome! A trifle is made up of strawberries, blueberries, kiwi fruit, and custard and lady fingers, and whipped cream! Wow! Do I dare use the word "awesome?" Well, it is that too. We kept thinking about that dessert, so when we got home, Kathy made another one. It is gone now, of course... :-) I am feeling fat right about now!


Anonymous said...

Looks refreshing and delicious!
Now I should get my trifle bowl out that I have not used in years.

Anonymous said...

Yum! Recipe available somewhere? Would love to serve this for July 4! (Happy Birthday, Ken!)