Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Fence

I was looking carefully at the fence that is in front of the park bench I sit on after my 10 mile bike ride each day. It was cloudy today so the soft light allows seeing more detail in objects. So I was just standing there looking at how the fence was put together and how the wood had aged over the years, with some lichen on it as well, I think. I was just enjoying the subtle coloring of the wood in the late day light. But in addition to the color, I guess it is more about the shape of the fence post and rails. Something about the shapes of everything. Don't you love how I have no idea of why I photograph things? :-)


Bunny said...

Not only are shapes fun, but I love the texture you see in this photo as well.

Ken Spencer said...

Thanks, Bunny. I remember a professor once saying in college: "If you want to know what a photographer is up to, don't ask them - they are the last to know!"