Thursday, November 3, 2011

The 90-inch and the 4 Meter

SOME people, who shall go unnamed, have suggested I have shown enough pictures of telescopes! I guess that could be, but I love these magnificent instruments, so here are two more. On the left is the 90-inch telescope, and my friend Mikee is one of the two operators of it, and the other is the 4-meter Mayall telescope. I already showed you the telescope itself inside the dome, a few days back. This is the exterior showing the dome and the very distinctive support structure. I don't think there is another telescope this high off the ground. Together these instruments make a spectacular photo, just after sunset. Well, if you are a telescope aficionado, at least.


Anonymous said...

Amazing size. Beautiful Lighting.

ken schwarz said...

Can you provide your blog followers with some bullet point pros & cons/advantages & disadvantages of large land based telescopes like the Mayall vs. space telescopes like the Hubble for far reaching exploration and research? Have land based mirror telescopes reached their maximum potential to probe deep space?

Photodude Images said...

Very Phallic

Anonymous said...

Actually, Sam would prefer many more pictures of telescopes.

Anonymous said...

Incredible structures. bsk

Anonymous said...

i know this shot doesn't do the beauty full justice but it is still a beautiful picture.. absolutely amazing!!