Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Fresh Paint

I told you I was painting the garage doors, and even showed you a photograph of the doors after the first coat of primer. Well here is a close up after the final coat. Here's the thing I love about this - I loved the old paint on the doors, cracked and peeling. So now that it is painted over, I love that it is not smooth and perfect, but that you can see the texture of the old paint under the new. The texture is brought out by the late afternoon sunlight raking across the doors. Gives it character, I think.


Anonymous said...

This is what happens when older women go heavy on the makeup. It creates lumps and bumps, accentuates lines. On a garage door, it gives it character. On an old lady, not so much.

Ken Spencer said...

THIS is funny! I never would have made the connection between garage doors and "women of a certain age." Thanks!