Sunday, December 11, 2022

Just Hanging Out

Winter officially arrives in 10 days.  But it has already become cold enough that I haven't ridden on a lot of days recently.  Today it was both cold and misting, so with the roads wet, there was no way I was going to go out on the bike.  So I officially began my winter walking.  I do a 2.6 mile walk down to where the old power plant was and back to home.   Today it took me 53 minutes, and that included a few stops to take photographs.  This is my favorite photograph for today.  It is some kind of child's toy that someone has fastened to a fence.  The fence surrounds a marine and construction equipment junk yard.  So the fence has been filled with green plastic pieces that look like they came from a Christmas tree - it makes it hard to see through the fence, keeping passersby from seeing most of the junk on the other side.  I love this little guy who has a smile on his face and funny feet, and a mirror in his belly.  He made me smile!



Anonymous said...

This is a very creepy looking toy in my eyes. DO NOT buy one for Vivian! :-)

Anonymous said...

I like the "evergreen" fencing. Looks so much nicer than most screens. I think the toy is kinda cute! It made me smile, too. betsey