Friday, December 30, 2022

Venice Artwork

I love walking around Venice in the commercial areas, where the stores are.  Many buildings have paintings on their sides to make the buildings more interesting.  Usually cars park here in these spaces, with their cars facing the wall and the paintings.  This is an astounding painting I think.  I am showing just a detail in this photograph, so that you can see the detail in the hands.

And this is the whole painting, so you can see where the hands come from.  Such an interesting thing to see.  I am so impressed with the quality of the painting.  So much more interesting than a blank wall.



Anonymous said...

The woman's face, neck and hair are beautiful, but I don't understand the concept of the painting. She is pushing someone away and it looks like hands are on her back as well. What is your instinct?

Anonymous said...

This painting is mesmerizing! I don't understand it but that doesn't matter. The details in the painting are incredible!. betsey

Anonymous said...

It’s an interesting repetitive pattern of the same woman
hands pushing away her hands
And hands pushing her forward, her hands

Definitely provokes various ideas about the nature of self
nice photograph, nice subject - laurel