Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Los Angeles Leftovers

There is so much to photograph in Los Angeles, and I always come home with so many photographs that I didn't have time to post on the blog, so I will be posting them now for a few days.  For exercise I would go with Liz and Sarah on their dog walks, and sometimes I would go out earlier by myself and walk two miles.  We would always walk by this house and the house next door to it.  Their gardens are absolutely stunning with the cacti and the succulents.  The house next door to this one has a same kind of garden, so perhaps the people are related. To see  this in person is simply astounding!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Cacti and Succulents are astounding in this front garden. I have never seen them so tall!. The variety of colors is also great. I would want to walk by this gorgeous garden everyday, too. betsey