Sunday, May 28, 2023

In Advance of Memorial Day

When I drove by this church in Sea Cliff at the beginning of the week, I was amazed to see all these American flags on the front lawn.  I was puzzled at first, and then I remembered that Memorial day was only a week away.  I found this really beautiful to see, the brilliant colors in the bright sunshine.  I was in a bit of a hurry when photographing and I think when I was done and walked away, that maybe there were pieces of paper connected to the top of each flag, but I what is not customary for me, I walked away without investigating.  But I will be going to the parade and ceremony tomorrow and I will pass this on foot on the way home, and I will look more closely.



Anonymous said...

A lovely reminder of those who gave their life for our country.

Anonymous said...

This is touching. A reminder of the lives sacrificed for our freedom. Trace

Anonymous said...

Nice photo of all the flags together. Reminds us what Memorial Day is all about. Betsey