Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Over the Fence

I made a change in equipment this year when I went to the Memorial Day Parade.  Usually I just brought one camera and one zoom lens, a 24mm to 70mm zoom.  This year I brought a second camera with just one lens on it, a Canon with a 50mm to 250mm lens, which, because this camera has a smaller sensor, it translates to an 80mm to 400mm focal length.  Which means I can really reach out to the distance to get close images from far away.  I did that here. They didn't even know I was there.  I loved this man leaning his fence talking to passersby.  I took a bunch of photos, and even though the conversation was friendly he never smiled, which is too bad.



ken schwarz said...

Today's blog photo reminded me of Robert Frost's poem (Mending Wall) and the line that says "Good Fences Make Good Neighbors". I wonder what Robert Frost would have thought about this scene showing a grumpy old man leaning on a not so friendly looking fence?

Anonymous said...

Nice to see neighbors chatting across the fence during a dog walk. Betsey

Ken Spencer said...

Primo: I kills me that watching the conversation for maybe 5 minutes, unnoticed, from a long distance, he never had a smile, which is what I needed for the photograph to be perfect.