Monday, May 1, 2023

There's a House In Here

When you run out of creativity, then you need to use tricks.  So it was time for me to get out my infrared converted camera.  I didn't have to go far for this photograph.  It is a photograph of our neighbor's house, as seen from our bedroom.  The trees between us have grown thicker and thicker until we can barely see her house.  But in infrared this scene has a much different sense than a normal rendition would have.  I love that you can barely tell there is a house in there!



Linda said...

I love infrared photography and I used to do quite a bit of it, but not any more. So I really enjoy seeing others do it. Nice shot.

Anonymous said...

Can just make out the window and part of roof line. I immediately think of a haunted house with this view :-) Betsey

Ken Spencer said...

Thanks for the kind words, Linda. I love using infrared, but since I would post something from a shoot with the camera, I am careful to use it sparingly. It is SO easy to overdo it, isn't it.
Betsey: It sure does have that haunted feel to it. Thanks!