Saturday, May 6, 2023

Tiny Blue Ferns

Oh man, he's using that infrared camera again!  Can you make him stop please:   :-)  I decided to photograph some of the ferns that are scattered under the Japanese maple tree, and thought that they would look really interesting if I did the photographs in infrared.  So here you are!  These ferns are only about nine inches tall and I thought that the two of them were beautiful together, silhouetted against the dark ground.  The IR camera rendered this infrared image in a bluish tint, and I tried converting the photograph to black and white, and it lost something.  So I have left it blue, and that reminds me of a 19th century artist named Anna Adkins, who published the first book of photographs.  She made cyanotype images of plants, and the images looked like this.  Click here to see a story about her:  


Anonymous said...

I love the photo of the ferns in infrared. I know you love to read but how did you ever come across Anna Atkins from the 1800's? Thanks for sharing the link.

Linda said...

I love ferns. Great image and how creative to try it in infrared.

Ken Spencer said...

Joan: Your brother knows about everyone everywhere in all of history! Just kidding!
I first saw some original photographs by Anna Atkins when I went to a lecture at the New York Public Library. I had not heard of her before that. But I have heard about her since. She was an amazing person, breaking barriers in a men's world. And of course it is about photography as well.

Anonymous said...

I like the blue color and the simplicity of 2 ferns. Betsey