Sunday, May 21, 2023

The Sculpture!

This apple tree has been in the front yard of my brother-in-law's home since it was built.  After many years it started dying off, one branch at a time.  I had forgotten about it until our visit this weekend, but when I saw it, I thought it looked like some kind of modern sculpture!  Neil said to me he was thinking of getting a saw and cutting it down, and I said "No!  It is a great piece of sculpture!"  So he has decided to leave it, and so I photographed it today, just in case it happens to fall over in a windstorm some day soon.



Anonymous said...

Some things must come to an end. I am glad you saw a sculpture on the lawn. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Okay, I think you are really stretching it calling this poor dead tree a piece of sculpture. It is nice to see art in all kinds of objects but this piece need to disappear. Perhaps, a nice new tree could be planted for a whole new look. betsey

ken schwarz said...

I have been racking my brain all day trying to come up with a comment for today's blog post. But I'm stumped - I've got nothing. There is no way I would be living with a dead tree in my front yard. Maybe the dead tree could be relocated to the side or back yard to hang a bird feeder?

Ken Spencer said...

OK, so I offered to bring my air compressor and paint sprayer with me on our next trip up there. I will spray paint it white. THEN it will be seen as the interesting sculpture that it is! :-)