Monday, April 11, 2022

Oh That Cat!

I am beginning to think this should be called "Cat Week."  I found this photograph I did a while ago and thought I should post it today.  So we give the cats a treat every once in a while, of dry food which they love.  So this is a plastic container that holds the dry food.  When the container is empty, we sit it by the cellar door and take it downstairs to put more dry food in it.  We heard a noise in the kitchen and so I went in to see what caused it.  There was Sam with his head in the plastic container.  There was no food in it, but he obviously smelled the food and so he stuck his head inside.  When I saw this I had to laugh out loud, because it looks so silly.



Anonymous said...

How funny! He is a character. What a beautiful coat he has, and I love his stripped tail. Trace

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! How silly! I remember one of my cats putting his head inside a cat food bag which I had not put away quickly enough and he just started eating the dry food out of the big bag. I laughed hysterically :-) betsey