Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Spring Touch Up for the Ghost Bike

When I took my walk the other day I was stopped in my tracks when I passed the ghost bike!  It was freshly painted, and all the weeds around it had been trimmed.  This is such an interesting story.  A ghost bike is usually left where someone dies in a bike accident.  Not so in this case.  A young man crashed into a utility pole at high speed one night and killed himself.  I believe his girl friend survived but I am not sure.  The ghost bike has been here for a number of years, and a few years ago I came across the friend of the dead guy, who was cleaning up around the bike and planting flowers.  I have been so impressed with the dedication of the dead man's friend at keeping this memorial in place, and fresh flowers every spring.  But the thing I remember about the story of this crash was that the young man who died had been indicted for a murder and was awaiting trial.  Whew!



Anonymous said...

When I first looked at this photo, I thought a young child had died. After reading this strange story, I was relieved that it had not been a child...betsey

Anonymous said...

It is nice that a friend continues to care for the bike and area, but it is such a sad story.