Monday, April 4, 2022

Pickup Sticks

Our new neighbors are hard at work on their lawn and garden in their new house.  He has done that magnificent craft work which I have showed you, where he built small fences on the front bank to check erosion.  So we talked about trimming the hedge between our houses.  When they moved in, the hedge had grown to at least 10 feet tall.  It was a tall green wall that we couldn't see through.  So he talked to his brother who is a gardener and he said the hedge should be cut really low and then allowed to grow back.  That would result in a brand new, thick hedge over time.   What is wonderful is it brightens everything  around this side of the house, and we can see the sky.  It just opens everything up and it is such a great improvement from the tall hedge.  I am so glad that our neighbor decided to do this!  I decided that the sticks would be more obvious if the photograph was in black and white.



Anonymous said...

You are lucky to have a nice neighbor. Better to chat about the hedge ahead of time instead of just chopping it down. Good title! betsey

Anonymous said...

Great title! I thought the hedge was evergreen. I remember seeing a photo of a hedge with flowering vine inside but could not find it. (Not the elephant vines climbing over the trees) This looks deciduous and the reason for the pick up sticks. Nice to have the light and hope the new growth flourishes.