Friday, April 15, 2022

Sunlight on the Closet

I was sitting on the edge of the bed, putting on my socks and I happened to see this scene - the sunlight shining through the window and the curtain and leaving a shadow on the closet door.  I am not sure what drew me to this, but I thought the play of light and shadow on the door is what captured my interest.  And then all the angles made the composition interesting as well.  What do you think?



Anonymous said...

Looking at the reflection of the curtain with picot edging makes the photo in this light. Very different.

Anonymous said...

My eyes immediately went to the lace edging on the curtains. Nice! betsey

ken schwarz said...

My eyes immediately went to the closet door knobs that appear to be at different heights. Perhaps there is a reason for the difference in alignment that is not revealed by the light and shadow play of your photo.

Anonymous said...

I'm laughing at my big brother's comment as my eyes went right to the closet door knobs as well!.....but my initial thought was about how they look like a pair eyes looking at something. :)