Friday, June 17, 2022

Can You Believe This?

This device in the sidewalk is called a "standpipe."  It is used by the fire department to connect hoses from a pumper fire truck (called an "Engine") to get water into the building in case of a fire.  As you can see, if the golden sharp spikes were not on top of this device it is just the right height to be somewhere someone could sit, to relax or hang out to panhandle, perhaps.  So buildings don't like people doing this.  But THIS?  Sharpened spikes, at street level, where someone could accidentally fall on them?  Are you kidding me?  This is a lawsuit and a half!  Imagine a slippery sidewalk in the winter, or someone running along who bumps an elderly person and they fall on this?  Or put their hand out to break their fall?  This is unbelievable!  Do the lawyers for the owners of the building have ANY idea that this device is installed on the street in front of their building?  I doubt that.  This is CRAZY!  Oh, it is on the south side of 34th Street a block or so from Penn Station.  Be careful out there!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No. This is scary and dangerous. What are they thinking?