Monday, June 6, 2022


My friend Steve and I from the astronomy club went back to the high school where I gave my light pollution talk, for a Moonwatch event.  There was a science symposium indoors for part of the evening and at the end of that there was this Moonwatch.  Both the teachers and us had no idea how many people might come.  We guessed 50 at the symposium with maybe 25 walking across the street to where we were set up with our telescopes.  Well, we were wrong!  We had at least 50 people show up to view the Moon!  We had thin high clouds at the beginning but they dissipated as the night wore on.

There were students, and teachers and some parents who came to look through our telescopes.  Everyone was stunned by what an amazing sight the moon is through a telescope, with its battered surface completely scarred from the bombardment of its surface after it was first formed!

It was so rewarding to have so many people look in the eyepiece and then say what a wonderful thing it was to see the moon, or a beautiful thing, or just to be amazed.  Such a rich experience for all of us.  Such a rich experience for Steve and I to be able to show everyone the Moon.



Anonymous said...

Such a simple gesture of being to look through an eyepiece to see the moon and what it may become for some of the younger group. It is wonderful that you offer your time and experience to do this for students, parents and teachers!! betsey

Anonymous said...

So thankful that you and Steve shared your knowledge, telescopes and love of astronomy with so many viewers. One day these young students may follow in your footsteps.