Sunday, June 12, 2022

Climbing Out

We had a Moon Watch on Thursday night at Old Westbury Gardens.  I was setting up my telescope when I saw a large aircraft fly so close to the moon that it was beautiful.  Of course my camera and telephoto lens was in the car but there was no time to get it before the moment passed.  So then I put the 200 mm lens on and set the camera on the seat of the car so that if another aircraft passed close I would be able to get it.  Well, this is the closest departure from JFK that I saw, and shortly after, the next plane was no longer illuminated by the setting sun.  Oh well.  Nice try.  But here is something for you to see in any case. I have an app on my iPhone called "Flightradar 24" and when you activate it, it shows your location and then any aircraft in the vicinity.  When you click on an airplane symbol it tells you the airline, flight number and departure and destination!  How cool is that!  Almost all departures at this time of night were headed to Europe.  Please click on this to see the photograph in more detail.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cool photo! And what an incredible App. betsey