Tuesday, October 25, 2022

So Now I'm a Fashion Critic?

This woman was ahead of me in line at Dunkin' this morning.  I couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw her leggings.  First, it just seemed strange to see so much of her leg in the first place, and then to see the leg criss-crossed with the black strips was so strange.  It just felt kind of creepy.  But what do I know about fashion anyhow?



Anonymous said...

We are just too old! :-) I don't care for the jeans that have so many holes in them that come with a high price tag either. How can you walk when your knee is caught in a hole? Stick to your white button down shirt!

ken schwarz said...

I'm not sure if "creepy" is the best word to describe the rather bizarre design of the woman's pants. But creepy could be used to describe the surreptitious behavior of the old guy standing in a Dunklin Donuts line taking pictures of woman's legs and posterior!

Ken Spencer said...

Primo! Don't think that thought crossed my mind! Creepy old guy in a Dunkin Donuts...

Anonymous said...

I am laughing at the comment from Ken Schwarz. Spot On!

Anonymous said...

Not a fan of these pants. Wouldn't think they would be comfortable...But thinking of you trying to take a photo without being obvious is the funny part! betsey

Ken Spencer said...

Betsey: It's called "street photography" and it is a skill developed over the years. There are ways to photograph people without them knowing. In this case I was carrying one of those gray cardboard coffee cup holders, because I re-use the one I got months ago. So that was in my left hand, in front of me, and I had my tiny "toy" camera in front of me in my right hand. When it was time to photograph, I just moved the coffee carrier away just enough, and took the photograph with the camera at waist level pointed in the right direction. That's a skill in itself, knowing how to point a camera in the right direction without looking through the viewfinder. There, now some of my secrets are out!