Monday, July 3, 2023

I Am So Thankful...

I am so thankful!  A month or so ago I was part of a Zoom meeting that had to do with early Moon maps presented by a member of the Antique Telescope Society, who lives in Vermont.  He was having some difficulty at first setting up his Zoom connection and he apologized for his difficulties by saying, "I am having troubles adapting to this new technology since I am an octogenarian." And that hit me like a brick!  I am an octogenarian!  And have been one for a year now!  That word made me feel really old when I only feel as if I am perhaps 60 years old, or so.  I am thankful for my health that allows me to hammer out a ten mile ride 3 or 4 days a week. And I have friends who have been friends all my life and I have younger friends who are so much smarter than I am, but who inspire me.  I have a wonderful wife who is so loving and so talented and a wonderful family with two astounding daughters and their partners and an amazing 3 year-old granddaughter, and three lovely sisters, and Kathy's brother and his wife and nieces and nephews as well.  I have so many interesting things to do involving photography, of course and then astronomy and now flying a plane again.  Life at this late stage is filled with riches beyond imagining. Who could ask for more?



ken schwarz said...

From one eighty-one year old octogenarian to another, have a very Happy Birthday my good old friend of fifty-one years!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I am happy for you that you have been blessed with health and family (the best gifts of all!) and having an enthusiasm for learning and an interest in many things which keeps life interesting. We all benefit from that enthusiasm and interest in learning and experiencing life through this blog! So, thank you for that. Wishing you a happy day and a wonderful year coming up! Trace

Anonymous said...

Happy 81st Birthday! Wow! Octogenarian does sound old! :-) You are so active, in great shape and good health and have so many different interests in life. You will never grow old. Wishing you a wonderful day. Is it still a Dunkin Donuts Day?

Neen said...

Yes! Lots to be thankful for- Happy Birthday to a very interesting guy!!!

Anonymous said...

You are blessed with good health, a wonderful family and curiosity! The desire to learn and do new things keeps you young at heart. I love following your blog because I always learn new things plus I see your creative side besides the practical side. Happy 81st birthday to my extraordinary big brudder! Betsey