Friday, July 28, 2023

Observing the Moon

We had the first "Moonwatch" this year at Old Westbury Gardens and it was good to be back at this venue.  As a club we have been coming here and showing people and families and children the Moon through our telescopes for about 15 years now.  It is so nice to hear the comments from people who get to see the Moon for the first time through a telescope - it is an amazing sight, and everyone is always so thankful.  It makes for such a lovely evening.

The Moon is so bright that we can start observing while the sky is still light.  Of course the Moon will be so much more impressive once the sky is completely dark.  The rugged surface of the moon is such a surprise to everyone because it looks smooth to the naked eye, but the telescope shows a barren and rocky landscape, with craters and jagged mountains everywhere.



Anonymous said...

I love that your club continues to share their telescopes and knowledge. Love the expressions on the faces in the first photo. Pure delight!

Anonymous said...

I remember when you were visiting us and set up your telescope in the front yard. Young and old on the street enjoyed the experience of seeing the moon…such a wonderful memory Ken.

Linda said...

I've never looked through a telescope. It must be awe-inspiring. Nice that so many people can share the experience.

Anonymous said...

I think it’s great that your group shares their telescopes so other people can experience the wonder and joy of looking at the moon! Betsey