Monday, July 31, 2023

The Rose Garden

Four times a year our astronomy club has a small party instead of a regular meeting at the Vanderbilt Planetarium where we meet.  During regular meetings, time is tight and there is not much time for members to talk and visit with each other in the brief time before and after the meeting.  Anyhow, it was a warm evening on this night and some of us came out to the garden with our snacks, and I while out there I decided to do a photograph or two in the twilight.  This is called the Rose Garden and it is a small and intimate garden, with this fountain, statue, and the columns in the background.  A lovely place to just quietly walk around and take everything in as night comes on.



Anonymous said...

Garden looks lovely and peaceful.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely setting! I just want to walk around and enjoy the flowers. Betsey

Anonymous said...

A pretty garden with a lot of different shapes and colors. Trace