Monday, June 22, 2009

Abandoned Colony

I was thinking of talking about this photograph as if it wer an abandoned colony on Mars or something. Except everything on Mars is orange! This was not, in fact, a colony. It was the terminal for a high speed cross-sound ferry from Glen Cove to a gambling casino in Connecticut. I think it ran for 3 or 4 years, and then was abandoned. I love how this structure does seem kind of unearthly. Maybe if there was not all this greenery around, the structure would look even more unearthly.


Anonymous said...

I think the green around it makes it seem more unearthly. Normal green color and shapes, and then these white shapes looming above pressed against gray sky. It's so beautifully surreal. Di

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you so much for the nice comments. I am used to the photo now, so it is hard to tell whether or not it is as strange looking as it first appeared to me. You are so good about cheering me on with your comments! Thanks!