Monday, September 26, 2011

One Sunset, Many Pictures - III

What was nice about the sunset location was that there was beach grass between the parking lot and the beach. Ansel Adams has always spoken about a good photograph having a foreground, middle ground and background, which adds more interest to a image. The beach grass was my foreground, and that was helpful. So after doing the first picture, I began to think about how I could make use of the foreground. So I crouched down so that I would be looking at the sun through the grasses. It makes this a much different way to see the sunset, than picture number 1. Having said all that, I just realized that this photograph only has a foreground and a background! Duh! There is no middle ground in this.


Neen said...

Philosophically speaking, there rarely is any middle ground; hence all the turbulence in the world today. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. You have so much incredible talent to capture an image like that Uncle "Meano"!

ken schwarz said...

I think you are beating yourself up too much! You have a foreground, middle ground and background. The grass is maybe 10 feet away, the horizon is about 5 miles out and the sun is way out there at about 93 million miles! I believe Ansel Adams would cut you a little slack on this beautiful sunset photograph.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Ken Schwartz. This is beautiful. I loved the first one but like this looking through the grass one even more!

Anonymous said...

For Sam, the intense orange-red color is "everything" in that sunset. Looking through the grass just reduces my ability to see subtle color variations near the horizon. I'm glad you shot the earlier-posted version. It is, after all, all about the sunset and not about the grass.

Glad to be able to muddle the discussion.

Anonymous said...

I really like this one, too. But I keep going back to the first one because there is less going on - a calmer feeling...bsk

Anonymous said...

Joan expressed my thoughts after seeing this 'view' of this beautiful sunset. May not get any better than this!

Anonymous said...

i think the middle ground is the water...
regardless of how many grounds there are, it is beautiful.