Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Give Me A Break!

Where do I begin?  This is a really busy parking lot because it is small, and there is both a grocery store, and a fitness center in the same building.  At 5 O'Clock in the afternoon it is nearly impossible to park here.  I took this photo at 4:45 PM, and there was a car to the right of this one when I went into the store.  I just cannot imagine someone who feels that this is appropriate behavior.  That people like this have the right to more than their share.  My fantasy is not to damage this car in any way, but I would love to have access to a really rusty, old beat up pickup truck.  I would park it within 6 inches of this car, on the driver's side.  Just imagining that makes me smile!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am smiling and wishing you were driving a pickup truck! :-)