Monday, December 7, 2015

The Production Line

Until we started going to California for Christmas about 5 years ago, I was kind of lackadaisical about getting Christmas cards out on time.  Sometimes they didn't arrive until after Christmas!  But now that we leave early for the holiday, I get panic stricken right before Thanksgiving, knowing I only have three weeks to get the cards done.  And I do a bunch - slightly more than one hundred.  It is a fairly labor intensive process, printing them one by one, first on the front, then on the back, in my color printer.  Then they each need to be trimmed twice with a paper cutter.  Then the envelopes need to be printed, and the cards inserted.  I do worry that with any kind of glitch, they won't get done before we leave for California.  Whew!  Got them mailed in time one more year!


Anonymous said...

I am one of the lucky recipients and the card is stunning. I look forward to your cards each year.

ken schwarz said...

I have a small box in the attic where I keep your Christmas Cards. After reading today's blog post, I retrieved the box but found that over the years since moving from Sea Cliff I am missing six cards. And since the early cards are undated, I can't tell you which cards are missing; I am bummed that I don't have a complete set! I guess after a total of five moves since leaving Sea Cliff in 1974, somehow a few cards got lost in our shuffle from one place to another. We look forward to receiving your Christmas Cards and truly appreciate the love you put into this project year after year producing beautiful cards for family and friends. Merry Christmas!

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you both for the nice comments. Believe it or not, I don't think that I have a complete collection of cards! I guess I should have put a small date on them somewhere, because looking at the old cards, I have no idea what year they were sent... sigh...

Anonymous said...

I am also one of the lucky ones to receive a Christmas card every year :-) I love the card you made for this year. I also save all your cards. Now I will have to go through them to see if I am missing any...bsk

Anonymous said...

I, too, look forward to the Christmas photo and poem from you and Aunt Kate. Always awesome! Trace