Thursday, February 29, 2024

Beach Scene, Low Tide, with Gulls

Some days it's hard to find yet another brilliant photograph.  So I keep posting photographs from my walk along the harbor.  It was the seagulls that caught my eye, but I didn't have a lens longer than 70mm.  If I had my 200mm telephoto, I would have a different shot. But I took advantage of the dark rocks in the foreground because they were interesting, and then you have the seagulls in the background.  Great shot?  Not really, but an interesting experiment in composition.  Please try clicking on the photograph because I think it gets more interesting when you can see a larger image.



Anonymous said...

I enjoy photos of the beach as they always provide different views depending on the tides or winds or sun. Simple and yet so much to take in with so many sea gulls and rocks in the foreground covered in moss.

ken schwarz said...

Wonderful shapes, colors, contrasts and composition make this beach scene a pleasure to view.

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you all for helping me to think that this photograph, in its own way, is an interesting composition to look at. Much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Great variety of shapes and earthy colors. I enjoy looking at beach scenes. Very calming with subtle colors and low tide. Betsey