Sunday, February 11, 2024

Fog Week IX

Oh Boy!  Back to Fog Week!  Remember that I told you that I was not done with Fog Week?  Well, I was telling the truth!  Now Fog Week is back!  Here is another really nice photograph in the fog at Morgan Park, in Glen Cove.  I have shown you a number of photographs there, but this is one of the better ones, I think.  When I got further out of the park and down to the water, there was a lot going on and so many birds flying around.  I liked this scene but it seemed empty.  While I was standing there looking at it, I saw a group of ducks begin to move into the scene from the right.  I started photographing immediately and watched. When the lead ducks got just beyond the pilings, I felt I had THE shot!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Soft. Lovely. Serene. Betsey