Saturday, September 4, 2021

A Single Fern

I was backing out of the driveway this afternoon, on the way to the store.  I glimpsed this single frond backlit by the sun, and jammed on my brakes.  I got out of the car and started walking up the driveway to get my new camera, and then realized I had my Canon T7i in the trunk, and if I took the time to get the SONY camera the light might change.  How right I was!  I got the Canon out of the trunk and took this photograph, and then four more.  In the next images, the light was slowly going off the frond - it wasn't evenly illuminated from top to bottom.  So I was lucky that I didn't take time to get the new camera.  This is a beautiful photograph, isn't it?  I love the bright green frond against the dark green ferns in shadow.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is popping right out of the photo. Amazing how the natural lighting can create this and you were able to catch a great photo.