Saturday, September 25, 2021

The Dory

My photographs from Rhode Island were an embarrassment of riches.  I still have some photographs from that trip and this is one of my favorites.  It is a dory that two kids rowed across a pond to get to the beach, carrying their surfboards.  A dory is a small, shallow-draft boat.  It is usually a lightweight boat with high sides, a flat bottom and sharp bows. ... For centuries, dories have been used as traditional fishing boats, both in coastal waters and in the open sea.  They have such beautiful lines.  And with the warm light at the end of the day on the beach and rocks, and the reflection in the water, it made for a perfect photograph.



Anonymous said...

Love everything about this perfect photo.

ken schwarz said...

Per Kenneth Grahame:

"Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth
doing as simply messing around in boats."

A very soothing photo of classic wooden dory!

Anonymous said...

It is a perfect photo. I like the bright red oars in contrast to the ruble colors of the dory and water and rocks. Makes me want to jump in and paddle...betsey

Anonymous said...

changed my "subtle" to ruble!!!