Monday, September 20, 2021

Moonrise, in Color

Thank you all for waiting for 24 hours to see the other photograph I took at the moonrise last night.  This the more ordinary view.  This would be a nice photograph, except the foreground is not interesting at all.  It is the parking lot of Tappan Beach, where we go for our coffee and donuts each week.   I actually did have a really great foreground in mind, but the moon didn't rise behind that.  And I knew that it wouldn't before going out.  I have this software called "Photographer's Ephemeris" which shows the time and direction of moonrise and moonset, and sunrise and sunset.  I can still make this photograph the way I want it, but it will take more time, and luck with the right with weather.  Here is the foreground I wanted the moon behind.  This scene is a few tenths of a mile north of where the photo above was taken, and it is of the Sycamore trees that line the sidewalk, and which I have taken so many photos of.  So stay tuned and see if I can make it happen.



Anonymous said...

Wow! This is my kind of photo of the moonrise. Absolutely stunning.

Anonymous said...

I like the shot of the golden moon above the rust colored trees - interesting colors. I do also like the photo of the line of Sycamore trees. I have never seen them from this point of view. betsey