Sunday, December 5, 2021

Catching Up V

I still have a lot of photographs that I took when Liz was here, that I haven't posted.  This is another photograph from the little gem of a preserve called the Louis C. Clark Sanctuary.  I have shown you one photograph already of the two large clumps of trees that were next to one another and that suffered a blowdown.  This is something more delicate but so colorful, with the leaves changing to both red and yellow.  I have no idea what kind of tree it is - at first I thought it might be a maple tree, but this trunk is so smooth.  But this tree stuck out among all the others because of it's beautiful colors.



Anonymous said...

This is lovely. Nice muted autumn colors. The leaves look like a maple tree...betsey

Ken Spencer said...

Thanks so much for that Betsey. I just wasn't sure.