Saturday, December 11, 2021

House in Dire Straits

When Liz and I were walking the beach below the cliff, we saw a number of homes from below.  Then we were shocked to see this scene!  I have no idea what happened here or when.  It looks as if here was some kind of water erosion.  I wonder if this was the same water event that eroded out the hill behind the house that which I showed you several weeks ago.  That washout didn't damage the house, but this house looks like it is in dire straits.  It is amazing how much has been washed away, leaving pipes exposed, and the cement slab under the house and pieces of concrete washed down the hill.  I have found out where this home is located and what street it is on, and so I will be going over there to see what I can see from the street.  I will be sure to show you what I find.  Below is the wide angle photograph giving an overall view of the scene.



Anonymous said...

I cannot imagine being the owner of this home and other similar homes hanging off the cliffs. I am guessing the owners had to evacuate for safety. Where do you begin if you even have the money to prepare to shore up this home? So much for dreams of living with a beautiful view of the water.

Anonymous said...

It gave me shivers just looking at your photo of the hillside below the house. This is so scary for the homeowners. betsey