Friday, December 31, 2021

Hapy New Year!

Happy New Year to all my faithful viewers!  I was wondering what I was going to post for a New Year's post.  Then when washing some dishes I was looking out the window and saw a pretty big fire next door.  The flames were twice this size when I first saw them.  Then it occurred to me that this would make a perfect New Year's post.  I could say the flames were part of a pagan New Year's ritual, which is why I took the picture!  Yeah, that's it!  A Pagan ritual!  Happy New Year!



Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

ken schwarz said...

My initial reaction to today's photo post was the agony your camera felt trying to gather enough ambient light to capture your neighbor's backyard fire pit. My thought was that a bit more ISO might have helped but, honestly, I rarely think about changing the ISO setting on my camera when I am shooting in the dark!

Best wishes for a very Happy & Healthy New Year and 364 more interesting, beautiful, educational and fun blog shots!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you and your family! Looking forward to new photos in 2022! betsey

Ken Spencer said...

Primo: I was using my Canon T7i with a 55-250mm lens set to 150mm. It is only an f/4.5 lens so I set the ISO at 1600. And I was in a hurry because the fire was fading, so I HAND HELD the camera, and I was also shooting through a window screen, which is why there were little stars on each Christmas light! I didn't have time to get a tripod because the fire was fading so I hand-held the camera and lens for a .7 second exposure! I shot maybe 8 frames and two were sharp! Whew!