Thursday, December 16, 2021

New York to Los Angeles


You know how much I love to photograph out the airplane window when I am flying anywhere on a commercial flight.  Kathy and I booked this flight together but then she cancelled her flight and came to California ahead of me.  I usually take the window seat on the way out and she takes that seat on the way home.  But this time I was booked for the center seat, which wouldn't matter if we were together.  But we were not and I ended up in the center seat!  Flying across the country and not being able to look out the window?  Unthinkable!  But that's what happened.  So here was my view while we flew along, unless the woman had the shade closed!  What a predicament...

This is another view of what I saw while crossing the United States, from coast to coast.  Oh well, at least I got here safe and sound!


Anonymous said...

LOL! You have been spoiled, but like you said, you arrived safe and sound. Now you can enjoy time with Kathy, your children and granddaughter. I expect to see video of Christmas celebrations and singing.

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm sorry that you couldn't get any photos out the window since I always enjoy seeing your aerial photos. Hopefully, you can get a window seat on your way home...betsey