Monday, January 3, 2022

Quite a Sunset!

I am being disciplined in the new year year, and trying to exercise more.  It was too cold to do a bike ride today, but like yesterday, I decided to do my 2.7 mile walk.  I left really late today.  The sky was completely overcast, so it didn't look like a great photo opportunity, but I always bring a camera.  Lucky I did!  When I reached the harbor, everything was grey, with a little sliver of orange sky to the northwest.  After maybe 10 minutes, there was also an orange glow on the horizon to the west, where the sun had set.  Then the glow became larger and larger and soon covered nearly half the sky.  When I got to the old power plant site, this is what I saw!  Wow!  This is what the scene looked like and I have not added any saturation to the colors in the scene.  It was as spectacular in real life as it appears to the camera!


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous sky last night. Best I have seen in a long time. I was driving when I saw it around 4:45 so I was not able to take a photo.

Ken Spencer said...

Joan: You can take photos when you are driving! Your brother does it all the time... :-). OK, OK, just kidding - DON'T DO THAT! :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow! The colors are fantastic!! Love this photo. Kudos to you for keeping up with your exercising. betsey

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful sky! The colors are gorgeous! Trace