Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Aloe on the Windowsill

Here is a bit of bright color on a gray day.  This is the Aloe plant that has been on our windowsill for maybe 20 years.  If we burn ourself, we cut a piece off, and use the clear gooey liquid which we squeeze from the cut piece, and put it on a burn.  It is absolutely magical how it heals the burn.  But here is the cool thing - I photographed this with my new 70-200mm lens by standing across from the plant.  The telephoto allows me to get close to the plant but the background outside the window is really out of focus, thus removing any distractions which we might see.



Anonymous said...

The lighting on the plant really sets it off. Love the addition of the blue vase for another pop of color.

Anonymous said...

It's nice seeing only the reflection of the plant in the window behind it. How clever of you to use your new lens :-) betsey