Monday, January 17, 2022

Saying Goodbye to Maggie

So a few friends gathered at a restaurant tonight to say goodbye to Maggie.  She is a member of the  New York Amateur Astronomer's Association.  She is a terrific photographer and then decided to take Stan's Class in Night Sky Photography several years ago, and she is great at that.  She thinks nothing of hopping on an airplane and flying to Utah to photograph a comet!  She is an engineering graduate of Penn State and has worked for a huge construction company as a project manager.  She was thinking about her life here in New York and decided on a change.  So she was hired by a large construction company in Phoenix and will start there next month.  This way she will be closer to the dark skies of the southwest which she loves so much.  So a small group of us took her to dinner, and shared conversations and history and laughter and great food.  A wonderful gathering of friends for a bittersweet sendoff for Maggie and her new life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a nice way of sending off a colleague on a new adventure! betsey