Saturday, February 19, 2022

Dunkin' Doesn't Care!

You know what huge fans we are of Dunkin' Donuts, right?  Every Tuesday for the last 9 years!  Well, several weeks ago I asked for my regular "powdered old fashioned donut" and they didn't have any.  The next week they didn't have them either.  In fact, they had NO powdered donuts of any kind!  No Bavarian Cream donuts, no Lemon donuts, not even any powdered Munchkins!  The woman that we are friends with in "our" store said they couldn't get any powdered sugar.  So the next week I bought an "old fashioned" donut, and we brought confectioner's sugar in a bag, in the car, and I powdered it myself!  But two weeks after that, still no powdered donuts.  I even tried other stores just to check.  Now by this time all of you would have headed to Google to see what's going on.  Finally I did that.  They are no longer making ANY donuts with powder on them!  They have cut back on their donut offerings to make things simpler for their stores.  Phooey on that!  So Kathy said "I can make you powdered donuts."  So she made a batch of 8 of them today and to save oil and a mess, we cooked them one at a time in a small sauce pan and they are out of this world.  Kathy is, as they say on the "Great British Baking Show" a "Star Baker."  Man, is she ever!  These donuts are light and fluffy just like the ones from Dunkin'  I can't believe there has not been an insurrection by all the powdered donut lovers by now.  Pay attention, Dunkin.'  Consider this "a shot across the bow!"



sharon said...

Was it Aunt Florence’s donut recipe?

Anonymous said...

Wow! I know Kathy has always been a "Star" baker, but donuts? You are so spoiled :-)
I find it hard to believe that Dunkin Donuts is cutting back on so many original donuts.


Anonymous said...

Kathy's donuts look absolutely delicious! She is so brave when it comes to baking new foods and recipes. "Star Baker" indeed! Look out Dunkin' Donuts - they just lost long time customers!! betsey

ken schwarz said...

Yum! Kathy saved the day with her baking skills and quick action! Looks delicious!

Try DD's Sour Cream Donut for a backup.