Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Our Garden Angel Looks So Cold

I have photographed our garden angel so many times since I got her and placed her in the garden.  The first photograph I can find of her here was in 2009 so we have had her for at least twelve years, but I think much longer.  I have photographed her in all seasons, but probably more in the winter, because she looks so cold.  I would be cold just photographing her for half an hour.  Imagine living outdoors in the winter!  I never get tired of trying to find a different photograph.  This shot may show her in better detail than any of the other ones where I have photographed her from further away.  The interesting thing is that the lichen which grows on her appeared right away, it seems, but has not increased to cover more of her in all this time.



Anonymous said...

Love this photo that she is deep in thought amongst the snow drift with one lone leaf appearing.

Anonymous said...

I looked back to eleven photos that I found on your blog. Never realized how many locations she has been in! She looks so cold but she's looking up for more sunshine and warmth...betsey