Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Ice on the Rocks

This title is funny:  Usually you have scotch on the rocks.  I did the walk today.  It looks cold because the sky is overcast and there is ice in the picture.  But actually it was pleasant - the temperature was 40 degrees.  I had seen these rocks covered with ice a week ago, and I was surprised that the ice was still there.  So with the gray sky the rocks were standing out because they were white and stood out with all the dark tones in the photograph. While I was composing this, I suddenly noticed a small figure to the left of center walking out of picture!  Please click on this to see it larger.



Anonymous said...

I like all the different aspects of this photo: trees, rocks, sand, water and sky. There is a lot going on and yet it's quite subtle. betsey

Anonymous said...

The snow looks pretty on the rocks. A great winter photo. Trace