Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The Impossible III


How is this for artwork that is stunning beyond belief!  When you walk into this gallery at MoMA and see this, you can't take your eyes off it!  I did two different views of it because it is hard to see what this is in only one photograph.  This sculpture is called "The Impossible III" and it was created by Maria Martins, a Brazilian, in 1946.  The text for this piece says:  "The spiky tentacles reaching toward each other in this bronze sculpture are locked in an embrace that suggests both opposition and attraction.  'It is nearly impossible to make people understand each other." Martins said, and feeling that may be the source of the interaction depicted here."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sculpture is astonishing and confounding at the same time. It really draws me in. I even looked up the artist, Maria Martin. A lot of her pieces have a similar feeling. The artist's explanation helps. betsey