Friday, January 4, 2008

It's About the Colors

I was not trying to be ironic or incongruous with this photograph. At a stop sign, I saw this out the windshield, and thought it was a bit incongruous at first. Funny thing with me is, and my daughters are always laughing at me about this, when I find a new word that I like, like incongruous, I use it over and over again, sort of like I am doing here... Anyhow, I didn't think that the sign really related to the cemetery behind it, but I ended up liking the colors - the yellow sign against the clear blue sky. So I took it for a simpler reason than you might expect. No hidden meaning here!


Anonymous said...

Regardless of your intent, I had to laugh out loud when saw the sign, "no dumping" with the cemetery behind. I could picture a body being hurled over the fence like the scene of the doggie do do being hurled onto the neighbor's lawn on Saturday Night Live.

Amy said...

haa haa, that IS funny. Like, you can't just dump the bodies there, you have to go through the front gate and make it official.