Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Orchards are in Bloom

Upstate New York is apple country!  And at this time of year, all the trees in all the orchards are in bloom.  It is a stunning sight, with row after row after row of trees, extending into the distance. It is spectacular enough that I stopped and turned around the first time I saw these rows of trees under gray skies.  Then I did the same thing about three more times.  It was hard to pick the best scene and the best shot.  I chose this one because I loved the wiggly shapes of the tree trunks on the three trees at the heads of these rows. I posted the first shot, and then thought I was done.  Then I started thinking about the pictures again, and decided to post a second shot.  I still can't decide which is my favorite.  Please click on these shots to see the pictures in more detail.


Anonymous said...

I love the second picture more. Because it looks bright.^^

Anonymous said...

I like the second picture, also. It is not only brighter but I want to run down the center of the trees to the end... bsk

Anonymous said...

the first picture says 'old and tired' to me. the second picture is 'alive' with the radiant white apple blossoms.....makes you feel like you could run right to the end of the row and never tire!