Monday, May 6, 2013

Who's Looking at Me?

I was on the way home tonight after a meeting, and I was taking the back roads.  I took a few photographs on the spooky looking roads, but there wasn't anything really that interesting.  I should tell you, given my history, that when I wanted to take a picture of a dark roadway, I came to a complete stop before shooting a picture.  See how good I am about this!  Anyhow, I couldn't find a picture that I liked, but when I came to a red light on a busy intersection, I saw this face in the sky, and realized that this was going to be the best I could come up with.


Photodude Images said...

You could always blow a red light and take a picture of the red light camera taking your picture.

Anonymous said...

This is so spooky!

I agree with the Photodude though.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Angry Birds! But what I'm drawn to is the reflection of the lights on the traffic sensors. The red lines look like precise lava flows edging their way to the surface. If you had waited a while, maybe this slow-moving molten liquid would have spilled out in an oozing pattern, ready to consume the asphalt and it's painted yellow lines. Maybe Angry Birds control the lava flow. Anything is possible. It's nighttime.

Ken Spencer said...

These are great comments! Thank you all so much.