Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Saving the Washout House

You will all remember a couple of posts I have done about this home that had its foundation nearly washed out during an incredible rainstorm we had back in September of 2021 After the Washout.  Then I did another few posts when they started rebuilding the cliff behind the house to save the house.  Starting the Repair In July of 2022 I showed how much progress had been made. Repair Progress.  Well, when I was at the beach for the icicles, I saw how much has been done!  So I took some photographs from the ground and was going to post one or two.  Until today!  Stan came out for some more drone practice at the ballfield in town and when he was done, I thought we should come down here and see what an aerial photograph of the repair work would look like!  I am blown away!  Look how much better this photograph I did with Stan's new drone, shows how far the repair process has come, and what an astounding amount of work is involved in restoring the hill and saving the house!  This is an extra large image so please click on it to see more details.



Anonymous said...

The drone's view is amazing. I'm guessing that the cost of this project must be exorbitant. Trace

Anonymous said...

WOW! Fantastic view. I am shocked to see how much building was done from the house to the water. I understand the homeowner's need to save the property in order to save their home. betsey